
Press release about the statements by mr Tonino Gozzi



Milan, 10th October 2023 - Acciaierie d'Italia reads with great dismay the continuous statements made to the media by Mr Tonino Gozzi, in which he criticises the company, its management and ArcelorMittal, one of its shareholders.

Acciaierie d'Italia recalls being a member of the Italian Federacciai, of which Mr Gozzi is President. As such he should, at least by statute, protect the interests and image of the company, just like any other associate. Indeed, Acciaierie d'Italia is the only member of Federacciai against whom Mr Gozzi allows himself this level of criticism, at least in recent years.

It is also surprising that Mr Gozzi, in his public communications, claims to have an in-depth knowledge of Acciaierie d'Italia when he has certainly had no occasion to visit its plants, at least in the last five years.

Acciaierie d'Italia therefore regretfully announces to be considering any action to defend its interests, including against the Association involved.


For further information:


Giovanni Spada
Mob. +39 335 1070914
[email protected]


Luca Ricci Maccarini
Mob. +39 349 7668028
[email protected]

Amélie Troisi
Mob. +39 348 7918415
[email protected]



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